Drama Magazine cover
- maggio 23, 2014
Douglas sarà sulla copertina dell'edizione di settembre di Drama Magazine, la notizia è stata diffusa su Instagram da @jcmua con la relativa anteprima:
— Douglas Booth (@DouglasBooth) May 11, 2014
What an amazing news! @leifbag
— douglas booth italy (@douglasboothIT) May 9, 2014
Kevin Schuler (Douglas Booth) è un ragazzo popolare ed è il più veloce maratoneta della scuola. Per un puro caso del destino scampa ad un terribile incidente stradale dove hanno perso la vita tutti i suoi compagni di scuola e la sua fidanzata. Da quel giorno la vita di Kevin cambia radicalmente e diventa inspiegabilmente un fenomeno della corsa attirando la curiosità di tutta la nazione. Ma dietro alla maschera del vincente, Kevin è logorato da una battaglia interiore...Io vorrei troppo leggere questo libro, riuscite a immaginarvi Douglas nei panni di Kevin?
Peek at @DouglasBooth & Eddie Redmayne on location for @JupiterMovieUK in wowza costumes. Source @AitorChuky pic.twitter.com/nEtz5JtMhc
— BespokeRedmayne (@bespokeredmayne) May 8, 2014
Other pic of @DouglasBooth and Eddie Redmayne on Jupiter Ascending set (via: elenabritain's instagram) pic.twitter.com/VyioIs4H8S
— Douglas Booth Brasil (@DougBoothBR) May 8, 2014
Douglas Booth y Eddie Redmayne pic.twitter.com/V8cEjgIUjB
— AITOR CHUKY (@AitorChuky) May 8, 2014
Just in from Bilbao: video of Eddie Redmayne @DouglasBooth shooting extra scenes for @JupiterMovieUK today http://t.co/Yhv2tsgSsx
— BespokeRedmayne (@bespokeredmayne) May 9, 2014
@DouglasBooth Eddie Redmayne shooting new scene for @JupiterMovieUK along Bilbao riverfront. http://t.co/tEhBmLMgS1 pic.twitter.com/r1gdXyuHvi
— BespokeRedmayne (@bespokeredmayne) May 9, 2014
Intento de selfie con @DouglasBooth @AneAbasoloFdz pic.twitter.com/rYoqadeqSL
— I R A I A (@IraiaLandaluze) May 9, 2014
Film shooting in Bilbao! #JupiterAscending with @DouglasBooth. pic.twitter.com/TYl0qLg3Tf
— I'm from 90's bitch. (@AneAbasoloFdz) May 9, 2014
Acabo de tener a Douglas Booth en frente OMG QUÉ GUAPO ES ME MUERO 😍😍😍 @DouglasBooth pic.twitter.com/Aokh0MFqyQ
— irati ulrt ♡ (@iratiulrt) May 9, 2014
Another shot from Bilbao @JupiterMovieUK location today for @DouglasBooth fans http://t.co/v9lraleGIP pic.twitter.com/jMivdJ7ceV
— BespokeRedmayne (@bespokeredmayne) May 9, 2014
@DouglasBooth Baby, I saw you today in Bilbao while recording of Jupiter ascending :) pic.twitter.com/V3UFwyt3jH
— Tati. (@tatiis2609) May 9, 2014
Latest: Eddie Redmayne @DouglasBooth at Bilbao location for @JupiterMovieUK PutoHood: Mas fotos de Eddie y Douglas 😊 pic.twitter.com/FR0dlKNeP3”
— BespokeRedmayne (@bespokeredmayne) May 9, 2014
@DouglasBooth @irati_sierra @Lilo_Sara oooh diiiooossss que ricuura de hombre ♥♥♥♥ enaaaamoradisimaaaa♥♥♥♥ pic.twitter.com/1SRhrP59kC
— itzi♡ (@itzymc) May 9, 2014
@DouglasBooth 😁😁😁😁😁 pic.twitter.com/3UhBNknvVR
— MiRi ⚓ ϟ (@PutoHood) May 9, 2014
#douglas #booth ❤️❤️ #bilbao #guggenheim #museum http://t.co/6gVDvtASF9
— 吴孟颖 (@MaiteWuMa) May 9, 2014
@DouglasBooth guuuuaaaaaaaaaapo ♥♥♥ pic.twitter.com/dlLvleIOZl
— itzi♡ (@itzymc) May 9, 2014
Ay Douglas 😭😍 pic.twitter.com/AP9nFRIrse
— MiRi ⚓ ϟ (@PutoHood) May 9, 2014
SO Nice, SO kind, So dedicated to the fans. Thanks so much! @DouglasBooth pic.twitter.com/l1JbDI8F1F
— Olatx C: (@olatx_C) May 9, 2014
It's been worth waiting for! @douglasbooth #douglasbooth pic.twitter.com/efXaAM0axu
— I· (@Iraattii) May 9, 2014
Con @DouglasBooth en Bilbao!!!! Qué guapooo es!!!!!! Y qué simpático :))) pic.twitter.com/lIyUxYwlur
— Sara Delgado (@Lilo_Sara) May 9, 2014
Douglas Booth filming this afternoon in Bilbao #1 pic.twitter.com/HceuoJPEvv
— MiRi ⚓ ϟ (@PutoHood) May 9, 2014
Since 10 in the morning just to see you, but it's been worth it @DouglasBooth pic.twitter.com/wXhd4Sd7NU
— I R A I A (@IraiaLandaluze) May 9, 2014
[PIC] Douglas Booth, Eddie Redmayne, Tuppence Middleton and Lana Wachowski on the Jupiter Ascending set today pic.twitter.com/qbzcVVKuDp
— Douglas Booth Brasil (@DougBoothBR) May 9, 2014
Douglas Booth Bilbao #JupiterAscending pic.twitter.com/OTIQTzscLr
— John (@FlvJohn) May 10, 2014
Yesterday I met @douglasbooth. (I'm the one who is wearing stripped suit) pic.twitter.com/x8xTdjVCbr
— b-always (@beegoalways) May 11, 2014
Inesperado encuentro con Douglas Booth, Lana Wachowski y demasss @amaiafuente pic.twitter.com/ZxZsFOBkCs
— Ane Orozco (@aneorozco) May 11, 2014
Yesterday, after filming with Douglas Booth #DouglasBooth #Jupiterascending #Hollywood #Party http://t.co/kXhnY6pCP2
— Olatz Elezkano ♪ (@Tocandolaluna) May 11, 2014
Ayer con Douglas Booth, es un amor!! pic.twitter.com/Ly39e36ou3
— Cynthia Bernal (@cyn_bi) May 11, 2014
Thank so much @DouglasBooth See u soon. pic.twitter.com/8ZLcHZPmZn
— NancyMinaj✌️ (@yesimimanol) May 10, 2014
Foto con Douglas Booth. Un amor de persona, super majo :) #douglasbooth http://t.co/BIElG9NFgf
— Sandra Herondale (@fireofhell) May 10, 2014
La situazione per il Dottor Thorne, un uomo onesto, diventa ulteriormente complicata quando il figlio della famiglia nobile per cui lavora si innamora perdutamente di sua nipote. Nonostante si tratti della figlia di un medico, nè il suo "sangue", né il suo conto in banca sono socialmente sufficienti.
Benvenuti nel primo blog italiano dedicato all'attore Douglas Booth! Qui troverete news, foto e video riguardanti Douglas.
Welcome! This is the First Italian Blog dedicated to Douglas Booth.
All photos, news, videos are copyright to their respective owners, no copyright infringements is ever intended. If there is something on this blog that you would like taken down, please contact me and it will be removed as soon as possibile.